
Register your Trust with the ComplyKart Expert Hassle-Free and easily.

INR 8,999 6,999/- (including all expenses) Hurry Up!!! Get it now or never in this price.

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Package inclusion:

  1. Consultation by Experts

  2. Trust Deed Drafting

  3. Application Filing with Trust Registrar

  4. PAN/ TAN of Trust

  5. Follow Up with Department


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What is Trust Registration??

Trust is a Non-profit organization regulated under Indian Trust Act, 1882. A Trust is established for purposes like social service, education, healthcare or eradication of poverty or other charitable purpose. Simply, a trust is an arrangement wherein one person called trustee holds a property for the benefit of its beneficiary. The beneficiary can be one person or a mass or an unborn person. Once the property is vested in trustees, they become owner of trusteed but hey can use the property for the best benefit of beneficiary.

Trust needs to be created by execution of a Trust Deed which is duly registered. Trust Deed is a document which establishes the registration of a Trust and contain the details of trust, its aims and objectives and its bye laws. Minimum 2 persons are required to form a Trust who are settlor or trustee. The settlor is a person who declares the confidence and Trustee is a person in whose favour the confidence is declared. Any person competent to enter into an agreement and capable to hold property in its name can be trustee.

Types of Trust

Public Trust

A Trust which is created for the benefit of public at a large or a sizable portion and not for a particular section of society or a family are known as public Trust. A public trust can be a Public Charitable Trust or Public Religious Trust.

Private Trust

Trusts created for benefit of individual or a particular family or for management of a property are known as Private Trust. It can be Private Specific Trust or Private Discretionary Trust.

In India, Trusts are more popular for social causes than at individual level. Registered Trusts also avail benefits extended by Income Tax department but the private trusts are not considered for TAX exemptions. Trust are also considered for CSR donation these days.

ComplyKart is best known for the registration of Trusts in India and committed to provide 100 percent success to NGO.


Advantages of Trust Registration

Easy to Form

A Trust can be registered very easily as compared to other type of NGO. It requires only 2 person and takes only 15-20 days to get a trust registered.

Tax Exemptions

Charitable Trusts are eligible for registration under Sections 12A, of the Income Tax Act, hence can avail tax exemptions under Section 80G.

Smooth Working

With the registration of Trust there can be flexibility in distributions of responsibilities among Managing Trustees


Transferring Asset to Trust would be generally safe and keep the trust asset confidential, unlike, the will which is a public procedure

Protecting the Assets

Trust is the most efficient way of protecting the assets. Once the assets transferred into Trust, it would be no longer part of settlor’s property and asset would be safe even if Settlor goes into financial difficulties.

Procedure for Registration

  • 1

    Selection of Name

    Name of trust is selected carefully. It is noted that a trust cannot be registered with a name which suggest any Government patronage. However a trust can be registered with a similar registered

  • 2

    Prepare Trust Deed

    A Memorandum of association and By-Laws of trust is created called Trust Deed is prepared on Stamp paper of requisite value of property. Trust Deed contains Name of Trust, Details of Settler & Trustee, Registered Office, Objective of trust.

  • 3

    Trust Deed Stamping

    The Trust Deed is required to be stamped with a certain percentage of the value of property. All other documents of trustee and settler are prepared and signed by them

  • 4

    Submit the Trust Deed

    Trust Deed is submitted with other documents with Local Registrar. Settler, Trustee and 2 witnesses are required to be present before registrar at the time of registration.

  • 5

    Registration of Trust Deed

    Upon submitting the documents and completing other formalities Registrar registers the Trust deed and retains the copy of registered trust Deed and return the original copy of Trust deed. It takes normally 15 days.

Documents Required

  • Two Photographs of Settler and Trustee
  • ID and Address Proof of Settler and Trustee
  • Signed declaration by Settler and Trustee
  • Trust Deed on proper Stamp Paper
  • Landlord NOC for Trust Office
  • One Photo & Proof of identity of Settlor
  • One Photo & Proof of identity of each of Witness
  • How ComplyKart helps in this entire process


    We have Expert NGO Consultants who will provide you the best consulting on registration process and post registration compliances.

    Client’s growth

    Our services are aimed at achieving growth for clients. We provide necessary guidance for understanding the Registration process.

    Competence is our strength

    We make every effort to stay updated with the rules and regulations by government. This enables us to deal with client’s needs effectively.

    Always there for you

    The assurance of a dedicated workforce including support staff and managers can be a promising factor in the Registration process.


    We get through all queries by registrar and solve it with all Legal Compliances.

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